Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Permanent marker on the Mother-in-law's flat screen

A couple weeks ago we were visiting my mother in law with our children. Jackson, who is 2 and a half, was by himself in the TV room watching a movie.  I decided to check on him because he had been pretty quiet. As soon as I walked in the room I saw him standing with his nose inches from the television screen. Immediately I realized that he had black marker all over his face. I gasped as I looked to the screen and saw that there were black scribbles across the entire thing. My eyes went to his hands, which were clutching a black permanent marker. My heart dropped to my stomach. I had to think fast. Was the marker dry? Yes. Damn. What the heck am I supposed to do next? I wanted to scream!!
I turned off the television. I then sat him on the couch and let him know that what he did was wrong. All the while in the back of my mind I was worried about how the heck to get the marker off and knowing that if we couldn't remove the marker we would have to figure out how to get money to buy a new TV. What was my mother in law going to do/say? I had to fix this, and fast!
I went to go tell my husband what had happened. Meanwhile Jackson was crying on the couch because I had taken the marker away and turned off his Cat in the Hat movie. 
After I let my husband in on what happened I ran to the computer. There I went to my secret weapon, Google!! I typed in the search bar, "How to get permanent marker off of a flat screen TV". From the results I could tell that I wasn't the first, nor will I be the last to have their child color a flat screen television with permanent marker. Those who had been in the same predicament before me where advising different solutions.  Some of those were toothpaste, drawing on the screen with a dry eraser marker and then erasing it, black coffee, and non-acetone nail polish remover. 
My biggest fear was ruining the television further by putting any of the above listed things on the screen. Which one should I chose?  I saw the worst possible scenarios being played out in my head for each option. If we use toothpaste what happens if it gets sticky and won't come off? Then I will have to Google how to get toothpaste off of a flat screen TV. Forget the toothpaste. 
I ended up choosing the non-acetone nail polish remover. I decided to let my husband be the one to test it. After all, he helped me make Jackson; why not take some responsibility in the messes made? Also, it was his mother's television; she wasn't going to kill her youngest right?
I asked my husband to please just try a small section out first, in case my worst fears came true and the nail polish remover burnt a hole in the screen. He didn't take my advice. When he figured out that the nail polish remover worked, he quickly cleaned the entire screen. I ran to get a damp cloth and wiped where he had cleaned. (Just in case it took awhile to burn through the screen, I wasn't taking any chances!)
Thankfully, we were able to save the television screen and there was no long-term damage. I learned a few things from this event. One, and most importantly is that acetone free nail polish remover takes permanent marker off of flat screen TVs. Two is to keep a better eye out for things that could become objects of destruction when in a toddlers hands. Three is that the Cat in the Hat might not be the best movie to watch at Grandma’s house!
What is the worst thing your child has done while at someone else's house?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

5 Ways to save money

Buy 2nd Hand
You can find really great deals at thrift stores, and some of the things are in awesome shape. It's all about taking the time to find a thrift store you like and look through what they have. It can be hit or miss, but don't give up the first time you don't find exactly what you are looking for. 
Think about buying used toys. Your younger children aren't going to know the difference and you will save heaps! In fact, at some thrift stores you can even find NEW items that people have just given away.
Used children books are priced at 1/10 the price of new books. They may have been loved previously but your child is going to love them just as much.
It is completely possible to find fantastic clothes and shoes for you and your children at low prices. I've been able to find barely worn shoes for my tots. This past week I splurged and spent 14.99 on a pair of size 3 pink Nike shoes for my daughter. (Originally over $30) I couldn't help it; it was like they were waiting there for me. Other finds were snow boots and snow pants for $9 total!! Check with your local thrift stores, because ours has days where everything in the store is 50% off. 
This Christmas we bought a few toys new and the rest were from different thrift stores. With our kids being so young they will never know the difference.

Get to know other moms
I know what you're thinking. How is getting to know other moms going to help me save money?  Well, the whole point is the idea sharing! I realize we don't all feel like going to the park only to walk up to a stranger to ask them how to save money. It can be much easier then that!
Join an online forum! There's no better place to get ideas then from a bunch of moms who are in exactly the same place as you or have been there before. The biggest two parenting forums that I know about are CafeMom and BabyGaga. The best part is that you can be as anonymous as you please.  

Keep an ongoing grocery list
Heading to the grocery store and not knowing exactly what you need can result in overspending.  My advice is keep an ongoing list as you run out of items or when you are getting low.  Keep the list in a spot you'll remember on a daily basis. Make the list available to add on items at all times. (This will also help with not having to run back to the store.)
To make shopping organized and easy I suggest rewriting your list before you leave the house in sections. For instance think about how you walk around the store. I always start by going over to the fruit/veggie section and then head over to the meat. By categorizing my list by where I find each item and in order of how I walk around the store I lessen the chance of forgetting something or having to walk back. Oh, and don't go to the store hungry!! 

Make money with your old stuff
Sites like Ebay have made it increasingly easy to sell your stuff online. All you have to do is snap a picture or enter a barcode for items already in the system. Buyers pay for shipping, just set up a Paypal account to receive your funds.   
I've sold old video games, clothes that the kids have outgrown, old digital cameras and even clothes that I wore post-pregnancy that I wouldn't dare wear now. Over the past year I've made a couple hundred dollars selling things that would otherwise sit in boxes. 
My only word of advice is make sure you pay attention to the listing price. Ebay offers 50 free listings a month, but they have stipulations on auctions and days listed. Play around with the site, and get to know it. Check out what similar items are going for. Ebay does take a percentage of your earnings, as well as Paypal, but those percentages are very small. 

Do your BIG shopping after the season
You will find the best deals on everything from clothes to holiday decorations after each season. The best time to buy summer clothes for your children or yourself is after summer or near the very end. Stores need to get rid of their seasonal inventory so take full advantage and buy in bigger sizes for next year for your children. 

"Like" me on facebook: FreeStyle Mom

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Beginning

I haven't blogged in forever!  Our life has been crazy lately. We recently purchased a new house and  moved about an hour from all our friends and family. On top of that I started back with school full-time taking online classes.

Juggling my kids and school can get pretty hectic. Having 2 kids so young and close in age is amazing but at the same time so challenging. (As I write, J is trying to shove a Christmas cookie down my throat. "Bite, Momma, bite!") I know there are other mothers out there who know exactly what I am talking about. I am constantly learning new methods and trying different things out on my children.

My youngest just turned one and my oldest is a few months from turning three.  I'm still trying to get the hang of being a mom of 2. Staying at home with my kids also means that I have to look for ways to save money.
Join me on this adventure as I raise my children and try to find ways to save money along the way!!