Thursday, September 11, 2014

9 Days Until My Due Date

There are only 9 days left until my due date and I'm freaking out a little bit. Both my kids were born a week early, which means that labor could happen at anytime. Every little pain makes me think, "Is this it?!". The last week has been full of sleepless nights and semi painful contractions. Every time I think I'm going to fall asleep I feel an almost electric shock jolt through my groin and legs. 
I'm about a week ahead on all my school work so I'm not too worried about that. Everyday I try to get a little more ahead on my reading and assignments. I don't want to have to do too much related to school while in the hospital. A few days ago my husband packed pretty much everything I'll need at the hospital into the car. I still have to wrap the "Big Sister" gift we got for our daughter, paint my toenails pink and do some laundry. Then we will be ready, or as ready as we will ever be. I keep finding things to add to my to do list. I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. Before I know it I'll be holding my little baby. :)

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