Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What to do for a friend who has just had a baby

I'm writing this after having three kids. These are the things that people did for our family that helped tremendously. Things that were priceless and more helpful that any gift of money, baby clothes or keepsakes. I highly recommend these things in place of or along side of baby gifts. Simply saying, "If you need anything let me know" to a new mom doesn't really do much. Personally I'm always too proud to ask for help or for little things. Here are just a few ideas of nice things to do for someone who has just had a baby.

1) Bring a meal for the family. Ask the family if they mind if you bring over a meal. Drop it off or bring it when you come for a visit. Whether it's a pizza, frozen lasagna, something homemade...whatever. I cannot tell you how helpful and grateful we are for those friends and family members who brought us food or came and cooked for our family the first couple weeks home. Even if you stop by on the way over to visit and pick up healthy snacks for a breast feeding mom. Or stop at the grocery store and pick up things that they like/need.

2)A gift basket with:

  • baby tylenol
  • gripe water
  • baby orajel
  • diapers (in size 1 or bigger, babies grow fast)
  • baby wipes (unscented)
  • breast pads (if mother is breastfeeding)
  • baby soap
  • baby lotion
  • burp rags 
  • healthy granola bars
  • gift cards
  • baby bottle cleaning wand
These are some of the things that I found useful or needed and forgot.

3) If the family has other children:

  • If you are close with the family and they have other children offer to take them out for the day or overnight. Or even just swing by and take them to the park for an hour. Recently a friend took my oldest daughter out for a couple hours during the day while my son was at school. It was AMAZING and so helpful. I was able to get so much done and it was a nice break. 
  • When you go over to visit the new baby bring something special for the older siblings. Whether it's a puzzle, coloring book, special snack or a fun game. We've had people visit who brought simple little things and then sat with our older two kids to play. My husband and I were so exhausted that week and felt like we had been neglecting our older two kids a little bit. Having visitors pay attention to and play with them was so nice. 

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