Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why This Momma Likes Twitter

I created a twitter account 4 years ago. It was to get points on some survey of some sort, I don't really remember and never took it very seriously. My account was never used and it just sat there. Then one day a couple months ago I got my first Iphone, (I know, it took me awhile). One of the free apps was twitter so I downloaded it. Only a small handful of people that I know in real life have a twitter account. That left me with no one to really "follow" besides celebrities.
I have 235 friends on facebook all of whom I know personally or they are distant cousins of my husbands. All of my posts are updates on our family, pictures of our daily adventures and sometimes the occasional article that I find interesting. I learned early to watch carefully what I post because it is seen by family/friends. An innocent rant can start discussions with people I don't feel like discussing with or drama with those who I'd rather not argue with. So I've kept to the basics. I cannot tell you how many times I've written out a facebook status only to delete it because it contained too much. Which is why I've found that twitter is perfect for me. 
After exploring twitter for a few days I discovered that there are moms just like me on it. Everyday moms. Moms who tweet about the struggles of parenting, the humor in raising children, their happy moments, simple rants about life and more. I've seen it used as an outlet for some, a platform almost. It gives these everyday moms like myself a voice and introduces us to other moms who we may have never had "met" otherwise. It's pretty cool. 
I love that I can post things about breastfeeding, co-sleeping, potty problems, kid issues or whatever. I even told the twitter world that I was in labor before anyone else and tweeted my way to the hospital. I've found support on twitter that I just can't find with facebook friends. Sometimes a simple notification that someone "favorited" my tweet shows me that someone out there gets what I'm going through. 
 There are twitter moms that I find hilarious, brilliant, entertaining and insightful. (and dads too, don't forget the twitter dads!) It's a place where you could spend hours scrolling through tweets everyday. Personally, it's my entertainment when I'm up breastfeeding in the middle of the night and need some light reading. Will I stay on twitter forever? Probably not, but for now I'm enjoying having somewhere to share things that I wouldn't share on my facebook. :)

Are you on twitter? Here's the link to mine: Freestyle Mom

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